Back (L-R): Karen Packard, Board Chair, NLPS; Blair Norton, Trustee, NLPS; Rong Young, Trustee, NLPS; Roy Ripkens Trustee, NLPS. Front (L-R): Lois Phillips, Trustee, NLPS; Alysha Hudson, Engineer, Inter Pipeline; Candice Brideau, Administrative Assistant, Transportation, Inter Pipeline; Cheryl Edwards, Trustee, NLPS; Debra Lozinski, Trustee, NLPS.
Inter Pipeline is committed to making a difference in the communities we operate in. Sometimes that is an investment to provide food, protect wildlife, or create opportunity for those who are struggling.
Often, the wellbeing of families and specifically young people in our communities is the focus of Inter Pipeline’s community investment.
Inter Pipeline was recently chosen by the Northern Lights Public School Board of Trustees as a recipient of their 2023 Friends of Education Award. Nominated by Iron River School, in the Bonnyville area, this award recognizes organizations and individuals who have made special contributions to education in Northern Lights Public Schools (NLPS).
“Receiving this award not only highlights our commitment to Bonnyville and its surrounding communities, but also reinforces the positive impact Inter Pipeline strives to make on the lives of students,” says Candice Brideau, member of Inter Pipeline’s Bonnyville Community Investment Committee. “It feels great to work at a company that values education and wellness as cornerstones of community growth.”
How has Inter Pipeline supported education in Northern Lights Public Schools?
- Over the past few years Inter Pipeline has donated sports equipment to the Iron River School physical education program. With this support, the school was able to begin an archery program for their students.
- Inter Pipeline has donated over $30,000 over the past five years to the Iron River School Accelerated Reader Program, which provides Chromebooks to students so they can access the computer-based reading program.
- Inter Pipeline makes annual donations to the Iron River School Christmas and hockey tournament auctions which benefit various school programs, including music, physical education, outdoor classroom and more.
- For several years, Inter Pipeline has sponsored the Ardmore School Annual Duck Race, and in 2016, became the naming sponsor for the event’s top three prizes valued at over $40,000. Additionally, Inter Pipeline provides traffic control services for the race, volunteers, and offers prizes for kids who complete the Duck Race Scavenger Hunt.
More About Community Investment at Inter Pipeline
Inter Pipeline supports the APPLE Schools program which is active in many of the NLPS. This program promotes healthy eating, physical activity and improving mental health in students.
Throughout the years, Inter Pipeline has sponsored counseling programs in schools in Bonnyville and surrounding areas. These programs offer mental health and wellness support to students, contributing to the fulfillment of their social and emotional needs.
Through the Discovery Award Program, Inter Pipeline provides bursaries to high school students who require financial support to pursue a post-secondary education in an industry-related field if they are selected applicants.
“As a local Inter Pipeline employee and longtime resident of the area, to be a part of important contributions like this that make a difference in a community where I’ve raised my own family means a lot,” said Allen Brundige, Supervisor, Pipeline Field Operations at our Bonnyville office. “I am proud to see us continue to support initiatives like this that make a difference in the lives of students.”
Inter Pipeline is excited to continue supporting schools within the Northern Lights Public School Board by extending assistance focused on food and wellnesses initiatives. In 2023, we provided over $3.9 million to organizations near our Canadian operations supporting the needs of food, wellness and shelter.
Visit the NLPS Recipient Profiles page to see all the award winners!

Community Initiatives
At Inter Pipeline, we support programs and initiatives whose goals include building a self-sustaining legacy in the community.

We thrive in creating sustainability and long-term value for all of our stakeholders, our employees, our customers and our communities.