What is the CN Safe Handling Award?
On an annual basis, the CN Safe Handling Award is presented to customers who load railcars with Dangerous Goods and meet strict standards for the safe handling and shipment of regulated products. Award recipients are required to meet an established criterion:
- A minimum of 100 railcars carrying Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Material shipped via CN.
- No Non-Accidental Releases (NARs) on the loaded or empty residue railcars. Examples of NARs include leaks, splashes, and other releases that result from improperly secured or defective valves, fittings, tank shells, and the venting of non-atmospheric gases from safety relief devices. All Inter Pipeline products that are shipped by rail from the Redwater Olefinic Fractionator (ROF) are classified as Dangerous Goods (in Canada) or Hazardous Material (in the U.S.).
In 2023, Inter Pipeline was awarded the CN 2022 Safe Shipping Award for a fifth consecutive year.
“Safety is and always has been Inter Pipeline’s top priority. That’s why receiving our fifth consecutive CN Safe Shipping Award is just as meaningful as the first; it shows that safety is embedded within our culture and how we operate,” said Nipa Chakravarti, Senior Vice President, Marketing. “Thanks to the continuous efforts of our Logistics and NGL Facilities teams to uphold and improve our safety and compliance measures when transporting Dangerous Goods, we are proud to share that Inter Pipeline has once again been recognized for this commitment to operating responsibly and safely.”

The safe transportation of Inter Pipeline products is a shared responsibility with the various third parties who are part of the loading, transporting, storing and unloading activities of Inter Pipeline’s Dangerous Goods shipments. The NGL Transportation & Logistics team stays informed on industry best practices and changes to regulations, adjusting processes or procedures, as necessary. Other risk mitigation activities include:
- Due diligence exercises and risk assessments
- Incident investigations and root cause analysis
- Working closely with G&W, Dangerous Goods experts, and various industry groups (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, the Western Canadian Shippers Coalition, and the Canadian Propane Association)
- Contributing to various Inter Pipeline compliance and safety initiatives, such as the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Standard, the ROF TDG Risk Assessment and our role specific TDG training modules
“Being recognized with the CN Safety Award for a fifth year in a row is testament to Inter Pipeline’s strong safety culture,” said Chantal Renaud, Senior Manager, NGL Transportation & Logistics. “This award is a product of the efforts from many individuals across the company, as well as our Operator, Carriers and Customers.”
Learn more about the award in this news release from CN.

We are highly invested in the training and preparedness of our teams to ensure a prompt, safe, and efficient response in the unlikely event of an incident.

What We Do
We operate in four divisions: Transportation, Facilities Infrastructure, Marketing and Heartland.