Our community outreach programs, landowner relations and donation activities shape the long-term engagement and sustainability of the communities where we operate. We actively consult with landowners and communities on our day-to-day operations and future projects with the goal of being open, honest and collaborative.
Click or call before you dig
Every year, failure to “click or call before you dig” results in injury, legal hassles and disruption of utilities – like power, water and telephone – for hundreds of thousands of individuals and families. That’s why Inter Pipeline is actively involved in damage prevention programs in Canada. Whether you’re planning a home improvement project, planting a tree or installing a fence, Click Before You Dig to safely identify buried cables and pipelines.
Visit the Click Before You Dig website or call before starting any excavation activities:
Alberta (Utility Safety Partners)
Saskatchewan (Sask 1st Call)
Vehicle Crossing Information Requirements
Find our form below.
Vehicle Crossing Information Requirements
In 'Sustainability'

Indigenous Relations


ESG Reporting

Community Initiatives

Emergency Preparedness
