Head Office
Suite 3200, 215 – 2nd Street S.W.
Calgary, AB
Canada, T2P 1M4
Media Relations Telephone: (403) 717-5725
Fax: (403) 290-6090
Toll Free: 1-866-716-PIPE (7473)
*Inter Pipeline takes security very seriously. Unfortunately, malicious calls and messages circulate from time to time, with Inter Pipeline’s corporate phone number. If you may have received a suspicious call from our number, we recommend that you contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.
Steven Noble
Manager, Corporate Communications
E-mail: mediarelations@interpipeline.com
Telephone: (403) 717-5725 or 1-866-716-PIPE (7473)
Community Investment Inquiries
Indigenous Relations Inquiries
Talent Acquisition Inquiries
Email: talentacquisition@interpipeline.com
This email address is intended for privacy-related questions and other general recruitment inquiries. Resumes, cover letters, or other job application materials sent to this inbox are not monitored or considered for employment opportunities. Please apply directly to positions on our Current Opportunities page.
Landowner Inquiries
E-mail: landMB@interpipeline.com
24 Hour Pipeline Emergency Number
Telephone: 1-800-727-7163
24 Hour Cochrane Extraction Plant Emergency Number
Telephone: 403-932-8510
Pioneer I Emergency Number
Telephone: 780-792-2500
Pioneer II Emergency Number
Telephone: 780-792-5699
In 'About'


