
Our board of directors and management team are committed to high standards of ethical conduct and corporate governance as well as supporting Inter Pipeline's executive team to be a value creating and innovative Canadian energy infrastructure company.

How We Govern

Commitment to High Standards

The board of directors is composed of six directors, four of whom are independent. The board’s core responsibilities are to foster Inter Pipeline’s long–term success, to oversee our business and provide stewardship and governance over management and to act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of Inter Pipeline while considering the interests of our various stakeholders. 

Articles & By-laws

Certificate of Amalgamation, Registration Statement and Articles of Amalgamation

General By-law – By-law No.1 


Inter Pipeline’s corporate policies provide guidance on how our employees and contractors interact with each other and our external stakeholders.

Inter Pipeline – Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Inter Pipeline – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Policy

Inter Pipeline – Environmental Management Policy

Inter Pipeline – Environment, Social and Governance Policy

Inter Pipeline – Health and Safety Policy

Inter Pipeline – Indigenous Relations Policy

Inter Pipeline – Respectful Workplace Policy

Reporting under Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chain Act

Inter Pipeline – Modern Slavery Report

Whistleblower Policy

Inter Pipeline is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. Inter Pipeline employees, contractors and consultants are encouraged to approach supervisors or managers in instances where they believe violations of laws, policies or standards have occurred.

In situations where one might have concerns about violations contemplated under the Whistleblower Policy and prefer to place a report in confidence (or anonymously), individuals are encouraged to use the EthicsPoint website or hotline hosted by third-party provider, NAVEX Global.

Whistlerblower Hotline


Inter Pipeline – Whistleblower Policy